Noarlunga Uniting Church

ABN: 57494131920


43 William Road

Christies Beach, 5165 SA

Mission statement

To live as ambassadors for Christ, reaching out to the community and connecting people with God’s love through service, faith, and shared values.

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Noarlunga Uniting Church

Noarlunga Uniting Church is a vibrant Christian community committed to following the example of Jesus Christ. We strive to be a church that connects with the local community through care, support, and outreach. Rooted in the Uniting Church’s history, we believe in inclusivity, social justice, and e…

Current Opportunities

1 opportunity found

Emergency Food Relief Volunteer


Start from

Oct. 22, 2024

How would you like to help support Emergency Food Relief by volunteering with Noarlunga Uniting Church?

By Noarlunga Uniting Church

Weekends, Ongoing
2 hours per week

Christies Beach, SA